We are a multidisciplinary and multisectoral team that has come together in the search for solutions. Our main motive is the creation of synergies and savings in procedures, either based on technological implementation in the production processes of our customers or in the analysis of the capabilities and / or training needs of their staff. We carry out sectorial market analysis, Business Plan, strategic business development or implementation of new techniques and technologies.
We are immersed in a technological and labor revolution that requires constant specialization. New work systems, technology and the regulations that govern them are not always well known. Our goal is to shed light on the projects and needs of our clients and offer a professional and correct point of view as well as quality training.
The objectives we set ourselves every day, either from a personal approach with a constant need for preparation, study and competitiveness or from the business environment with fierce competition, a system in recession or crisis, and with a pressure difficult to bear, force us for quality and professionalism to be at the forefront of the systems that are constantly coming into our hands, and to offer products that are increasingly modern and adapted to new market needs.
In the same way that technologies and advances hurry us about their control and use, we must be properly advised about the legal issues that concern us and affect us in a very direct way. Changing and unknown regulations, possibilities with direct civil liability or data protection issues, privacy rights or misuse, which we must avoid problems.
Proper training implies motivation and fulfillment of objectives by the client / student, it is our top priority to achieve these goals and help as much as possible to ensure that the concepts are properly assimilated. We have trained, among groups, organizations and individuals, more than 800 people in various fields who currently continue to require our services.
We create relationships that are established with strong ties, based on participation, commitment, the joint search for solutions and coexistence in a positive and motivating environment.
Avd. Burgos, 16 B Madrid – 28036
(+34) 615 827 010
Avenida de Madrid, 11 – Bajo A Navacerrada – 28491 – Madrid
(+34) 615 827 010
We belong to various Technical Committees for the organization of Conferences, Events, Congresses and Exhibitions.
We participate in many Conferences, Forums and Associations.
We are present in many professional sectors and have a direct line with manufacturers, distributors and technical services.
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